New Cafe Menu & Bar Snacks at Exclesior

If you’re looking for lighter fare this summer, chef Eric Brennan has just unveiled a new Café Menu at Excelsior designed to broaden the summer dining spectrum with a selection of reasonably priced options, including an early evening Bar Snacks menu for $7 ‘til 7:00pm, Seven Days a Week. Perfect for a snack or a light supper, the Café Menu offers apps and entrees portioned and priced for bar dining, while the Bar Snacks menu, as its tagline suggests, makes available an assortment of tasty items (like smoked salmon rangoons with sweet and sour mustard; and smoked duck and Sonoma dry jack quesadilla) Sunday through Saturday from 5:00-7:00pm for a mere $7. Call Excelsior at 617.426.7878 for reservations or more information.

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