Pre-Theater Prix Fixe from the Aquitaine Group

The Aquitaine Group sweetens the prix fixe pot for theater-bound diners with an early evening deal at the Metropolis, Aquitaine, Cinquecento, Gaslight and Union.Ticket holders for the Huntington Theater Company’s performances of A Raisin in the Sun (at the BU Theater from March 8th through April 7th) or Ryan Landry’s M (at the Calderwood Pavilion from March 29th through April 27th) can duck in to any of the South End restaurants any night of the week for an early dinner for just $29.95 per person (including a glass of wine). Just book a table between 5:30 and 6:30pm, and they’ll have you fed and out the door – for a pittance – well before the curtains go up. Call the restaurants directly for reservations. And pick up tickets through the Huntington Theater Company’s website.

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