Mom’s Night Out at Dear Annie

Dear Annie/Resy

If you’ve watched as much “Bluey” as one adult human can handle, it’s time to treat yourself to Mom’s Night Out at Dear Annie on Sunday, May 12th. The pocket-sized natural wine bar in Cambridge is putting on a can’t-miss, moms-only party packed with oysters and Champagne to celebrate your labor, love and life for the evening — and really, don’t you deserve it?

The fun kicks off at 5:00pm with a welcome beverage, piles of oysters, shrimp cocktail, and a smattering of local cheeses followed by an abundant buffet dinner of seasonal catches, fresh veggies, some sweet treats, and even a few secret surprises. There’ll be decidedly chill vibes from DJ Kate Nakayama, and everyone will get a lovely petit bouquet from Hallie’s Garden to take home. And don’t stress the time either, because the night will wrap up early to make sure you get plenty of rest on a school night. Snag some spots here; tickets are $90 each (plus a small fee) and they’re a great way to say “Happy Mother’s Day” to all your favorite goddesses out there doing battle at morning dropoff.

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