Fermentation Fete at Field & Vine


For fermentation fans who missed it the first time around, Field & Vine is partnering with Rebel Rebel Wine Bar for another Fermentation Fete on Sunday, January 26th, so you can pickle and wine your way into 2020. Get there at 2:00pm to learn fermenting secrets from the pros. Field & Vine Chef Andrew Brady will preside over your pickle education, teaching you everything you need to know to pickle at home (plus you’ll get a jar to take away); Rebel Rebel Sommelier Margot Mazur will hold forth on alcoholic fermentation and winemaking (and a couple glasses to help the learning process); and Kat Bayle of Field & Vine will give you the skinny on sourdough, with your very own starter to bring home and experiment with. Tickets are $65 and include a jar of pickles, some sourdough starter, and two glasses of natural wine. Click here to start your fermentation journey.

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