Drag Karaoke in Davis

Painted Burro Instagram

If you’ve ever wanted to lipsync for your life on Drag Race, your time to shine has come. Head to The Painted Burro in Somerville’s Davis Square on Tuesday, June 27th for their first-ever Drag Karaoke Night and you can belt out some ballads and mix it up with some of Boston’s best queens. Regina Jackson is your host and MC, and special guest Linda Marie Possa will be putting on a killer performance, so you’d be wise to practice your high notes before the big night if you want to compete. There’s no cover charge for the event, but it’s strictly 21+ so don’t forget proper ID. The karaoke fun kicks off at 9:00pm so head down early for tacos, empanadas and (of course) margaritas, then stick around for the main event. If you have Qs you can give them a buzz at 617.776.0005 or make a reservation for dinner here, and keep an eye on their IG for pics from the party.

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