Celebrate Election Night with a Burger & a Beer

No need to sit home alone glued to your TV tonight – take comfort from your fellow citizens (and maybe a burger) at Anthem. It’s only appropriate really – you can watch the results come in perched alongside Faneuil Hall, where CNN will be setting up their Boston-based election night broadcast, and enjoying an All American Special courtesy of chef Ben Hennemuth. On Tuesday, November 6th, he’s pairing some politically-themed burgers with a Sam Adams for just $15. Opt for the Obama Burger (shredded lettuce, sautéed mushrooms, grilled onion + Swiss cheese in a wrap) or go for the Mitt Burger (Bibb lettuce, American cheese, tomato + red onion in a wrap). Of course you can keep your burger as bipartisan as possible – there are lots of options. Call Anthem at 617.720.5570 or just drop by after 6:00pm.

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