Take-Out from The Stones Common House & Kitchen

The Stones Common House & Kitchen Facebook

The Stones Common House & Kitchen is up and running for take-out, curbside pick-up and delivery from Wednesday through Sunday evenings (from 4:00-7:00pm). Chef Patrick Campbell and his team at the Stoneham restaurant post the day’s menu on their social media outlets (here and here) so you can build yourself a meal from an array of Sandwiches (think: burgers, roast beef, fried oyster BLTs), Salads & Such (which might include options like a classic caesar, native mixed greens and an Italian chopped salad), For The Family (an oft-changing feast fit for 2-4 people), Housemade Pastas (recent offerings have included lasagna, potato gnocchi and tagliatelle) and For The Freezer (quarts of goodies to add to your stockpile). They’ve also got Drink Kits too complete with mixes, garnishes and instructions, available for pick up so you can make your favorite cocktails at home. Peruse the day’s menu on social and place your order by calling 781.435.1344.

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