Regal Beagle Berkshire Brewery Beer Dinner

Brookline newcomer, The Regal Beagle, hosts its inaugural beer dinner on Monday, January 11th. Teaming up with the Berkshire Brewing Company, chef Laura Henry-Zoubir will be pairing five courses with fve of their signature brews – BBC Steel Rail Extra Pale Ale goes hand in hand with a hearty pale ale and cheddar soup with spicy croutons; and BBC River Ale gets matched with pork ragu with gnocchi Parisienne, glazed carrots and shaved parmesan. See what Henry-Zoubir picks to accompany BBC Cabin Fever Ale or the BBC Coffeehouse Porter. Dinner costs $50, which also includes colorful descriptions of each of the evening’s beers straight from master brewer Gary Bogoff. To put your name on one of the remaining seats, call The Regal Beagle at 617.739.5151.

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