The Buzz at Miel

In support of the busy little bees that help produce the overwhelming majority of the food supply, Miel (whose name, appropriately, means honey in French) is offering a special honey tasting menu. From Monday, June 22nd through Sunday, June 28th chef Josean Rosado will be creating the three course honey inspired Taste of Miel menu which will be available during the dinner service (that’s 5:30 to 11pm) for $38 or $56 with wine pairings. All this sweet fun is in honor of National Pollinator Week, a 2007 government introduced event designed to bring awareness to the dangerous decline of domestic honeybees which account for the pollination of approximately $14 billion worth of crops in the US. Do your part to help these little honeys by calling 617.217.5151 and making a reservation at Miel.

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