Babette’s Feast at Vincent’s

On Thursday, March 3rd, you can combine your love of food and film at Vincent’s next wine dinner – a tribute to the 1987 Danish film Babette’s Feast. The inventive bunch at this charming Cambridge spot are channeling their creative energies into a lively New England interpretation. The six course meal, complete with wine pairings (plus cognac and coffee), will tell the joyous tale of how a good meal made with love (and skill) can heal social divisions.

The team is going all out with mock turtle soup, buckwheat pancakes with caviar and sour cream, and Cailles en Sarcophage (quail in puff pastry with foie gras and truffle sauce). Tickets are $125 each (not including tax or gratuity). Book your seat online here, and get ready for a night of adventurous flavors and jovial neighbors.

Vincent’s Interpretation of Babette’s Feast

“Potage à la Tortue”
(mock turtle soup)
served with Amontillado sherry

“Blinis Demidoff”
(buckwheat pancakes with caviar and sour cream)
served with Champagne

“Cailles en Sarcophage”
(quail in puff pastry shell with foie gras and truffle sauce)
served with Burgundy Pinot Noir an endive salad

“Savarin au Rhum avec des Figues et Fruit Glacée”
(rum sponge cake with figs and candied cherries)
served with Champagne assorted cheeses and fruits served with

Sauternes coffee with Vieux Marc Grande Champagne cognac.

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