Oyster Tasting Down Cape

The Sea Crest Beach Hotel in Falmouth hosts the first ever Oyster Grand Tasting on Sunday, October 26th. A product of a partnership between the hotel and the International Oyster Symposium of the World Oyster Society, the tasting invites area chefs to create dishes incorporating locally harvested oysters from all over the Cape – from Provincetown to Nantucket. Participating cookers include Daniel Kenney of the Sea Crest Beach Hotel, Florence Lowell of Naked Oyster, Timothy Ames from Mooncussers Tavern and Matt Tropeano from Pain D’Avignon. The event runs from 5:00-7:30pm and costs $95 per person. Those interested in making it a weekend affair can purchase The World Is Your Oyster package starting at $353, which includes two tickets to the tasting, an ocean view room and breakfast. For more information about the grand tasting or to purchase tickets, click here. For reservations to the Sea Crest Beach Hotel, call 508.356.2111.

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