Camp Bonfire Benefit for the YSPN

Bonfire at the Park Plaza Hotel hosts Camp Bonfire on Sunday, September 10th to support the Youth Service Providers Network, an innovative program from the Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston. Tickets for the event, which runs from 6:00-9:00pm, cost $100 each and entitle the bearer to a festive evening of campfire favorites – or, chef Jenny Cates’ take on campfire favorites, like sliders, mini Kobe beef hot dogs and s’mores cocktails. Proceeds from the event benefit the YSPN, which works in partnership with the Boston Police Department to place licensed clinical social workers at police stations providing prevention and intervention services to as many as 1,200 of the city’s most at-risk youth each year. For more information or to purchase tickets, call 617.442.4519 x260.

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