Learn to Make Better Drinks

The Lexington/OpenTable

If you’ve ever wondered why cocktails taste so much better when a bartender makes them, sign up to learn some insider secrets with The Lexington’s Doug Brickel on Saturday, June 15th. The beverage director will be leading a select few through the complexities of Cocktail Creativity via Syrups and Citrus at the Cambridge Crossing hotspot, and you’ll get to explore how adjusting acid, sweetness and juices can add dimension and flavors to drinks that you’ve never considered. Scoop up your spots here for $55 each. Class starts at 3:00pm and it’ll be hands on so yes, there’ll be plenty of chances to taste your experiments. If you want to stick around after class for dinner on the roof deck, be sure to grab reservations here, or give them a call at 617.945.1349 to save you a spot.

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