Normally, December’s a kind of quiet month at Restaurants are swamped with holiday parties. They’re not hosting wine dinners. They’re not hiring. And they’re not thinking about updating their food photos. Well, until this year. This year, restaurants emerged from their recession-induced hibernation ready for their close-ups. Read more
So the holidays are over and you’re feeling a little let down. It’s understandable. Luckily for all you seasonally affected diners, Red Rock Bistro has just the cure for what ails you with their Wine & Spirits Series. Read more
On Saturday, November 13th head out to the Herb Chambers Lexus Showroom in Sharon for a night of food and fun at TV Diner’s Platinum Plate Gala. Read more
Labor Day may be the unofficial end to summer – what with all the back-to-school hullabaloo – but there’s still plenty of time to enjoy your favorite seasonal eats before the weather cools. Read more
Paul O’Connell may not be heading back to the Vineyard for the summer (which is good for Chez Henri fans) but the Chilmark Tavern will still be getting some mainland talent to run the show – Paul Peterseil of the Red Rock Bistro has put together this year’s team. Read more